
Neulesuunnittelija Sari Ojalehto 

Arteeni's head is Sari Ojalehto (ex Åström).

Sari loves all kinds of crafts, especially yarn crafts.

"As long as I can remember, I've been knitting or crocheting - thanks to my lovely grandma." You can read a bit more about me and Arteeni on this page. You can also subscribe to my newsletter or contact me directly.



Examples of Endless Sources of Inspiration


Different materials are really important to me. I want to feel the texture of the material in my hands. Or on my cheek. Natural fibers, such as different wools, linen and silk, are close to my heart. I feel the yarns, even smell them. I explore the yarn with curiosity and find out what kind of pattern each yarn wants to take on. Materials are the basis of my design. I like warm and muted tones, but I am learning to enjoy new colors for myself as well.



Finland boasts an incredibly beautiful nature. Pine trees and other conifers grow in the forests. Almost every yard has a birch tree, its gleaming white trunk shimmering in the morning light. Thousands upon thousands of lakes and ponds are connected by rivers and streams winding through untouched forests. In nature, you can also encounter wild animals if you are patient and move quietly. Clean nature and fresh air guarantee a clean and healthy berry and mushroom harvest. There is enough space for everyone. I breathe in nature and its energy with every cell of my being - closeness to nature gives my designs a soul.

Nature - luonto



My family and friends are important to me, more than important! People bring endless joy and depth to my life. I am privileged to have loving people around me. People bring color and vibrancy to my designs, as well as a personal touch. I'm always keen to connect with new people.

People and friends


It is also very inspiring to me to know that you like my designs and enjoy making them. You and your joy and happiness mean a lot to me, whether you are far or near, young or old, familiar or someone I haven't met yet. Whoever you are, it is wonderful to me that Arteeni's designs feed and inspires your joy of making and your creativity.

Warm regards in handicrafts,

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